Offspring successful in Grand Prix
Foundation was the winner of the Oldenburg main premium in 2012 and placed in the prestigious finals of the Burg Cup and the Louisdor Prize. Ridden by Matthias Alexander Rath, he won Grand Prix dressage competitions, such as the Freestyle in Deauville/FRA, and was placed second in the Grand Prix and fourth in the Grand Prix Special in the Nations Cup in Rotterdam/NED. The pair was also highly placed in Aachen/GER, Wiesbaden/GER, Le Mans/FRA, Nizza/FRA, Crozet/FRA, Mannheim/GER, Donaueschingen/GER, Munich/GER, Salzburg/AUT and Doha/QAT as well as in the Nations Cup in Falsterbo/SWE.
He has produced over 30 licensed stallions, including the Oldenburg Champion and Danish Premium Stallion Fortunate, the P.S.I. price record holder and Vice World Champion Ferrari OLD/Rudolf Widmann/GER, who is also successful at Grand Prix level, the Austrian Warmblood Champion Stallion Broadmoars Franello, the Reserve Champions Freischütz/Sascha Schulz/LUX and Fiancé as well as the Hanoverian Champion Feuertanz/Matthias Alexander Rath. He has produced around 70 premium daughters, including Frida Fröhlich, overall Champion at the DSP Mare Championships. His daughter, Feel Free OLD, was 2nd Reserve Champion mare, Vice German Champion and finalist at the World Championships for young dressage horses and in the Burg Cup with Bernadette Brune/GER. Amongst others, Fürst Fauntleroy/Bernd Nöthen, Faviola/Nadine Husenbeth and Fonda have established themselves at Grand Prix level. Fabelhaft became Champion of the Dressage Horse Association in Brandenburg Anhalt (7-9y.o.) and Found Boy/Sandra Sysojeva/LTU successfully participated in the World Championships for young dressage horses (7y.o.) after winning the Small Tour in Zakrzow/POL. Foundation’s filly Fantasy was sold for 107,000 Euros, the absolute top price in Vechta.
His sire Fidertanz, NRW Champion Stallion, Vice German Champion and successful at international Grand Prix level, was named Hanoverian Sire of the Year in 2021. He is currently placed sixth of the WBFSH ranking of the best dressage stallions worldwide. He has produced over 50 licensed stallions, including Franziskus/Ingrid Klimke, who is part of the German Olympic squad. His daughter Mount St. John Freestyle was double bronze medallist at the World Equestrian Games in Tryon/USA with Charlotte Dujardin/GBR.
The dam Donna Doria also produced three licensed stallions: the German Championship finalist Fiderstar, the premium stallion Glock’s Falvio (both by Fidertanz) and the Hanoverian Vice Champion Fun4ever (by Feedback). She also produced Anabel Balkenhol’s Grand Prix winner Crystal Friendship, and her full sister Donna Wenita (both by Fidertanz), who produced the auction foal Serge Gainsbourg (by Secret) who sold for the exceptional price of 150,000 euros.
His grand-dam Weniga produced Victoria Michalke’s Queeny (by Quattro B) and Kathleen Keller’s Lord (by Laurentio).
Foundation results from the Hanoverian mare family of Paninka, from which descend the second Reserve Champions Federico Fellini, Prince Charming and Le Classic, as well as the sport horses Apache/Isabell Werth, Don’t Forget/Patrik Kittel/SWE and Henri Ruoste/FIN, D’Arcy Diamond OLD/Louisa Lüttgen, Albertino/Lars Nieberg, Cheyenne/Rene Tebbel and The Sixth Sense/Thomas Frühmann/AUT.
Successful in Nations Cups
Firdertanz | Fidermark | Florestan I |
Watonga | ||
Reine Freude | Ravallo | |
Fruehlingssonne | ||
Donna Doria | De Vito | De Niro |
Elfengold | ||
Weniga | Andiamo | |
Wenita |