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Our Order Process

Order Process:

1. Choose the stallion you wish to order. (Please don’t hesitate to contact us for advice and information if required)
2. Select Chilled or Frozen
* Remember chilled international semen is only available for delivery Tuesday to Friday, and for collection at Dublin Airport on Saturday (Transport can be provided by us)
Kylemore Stud resident stallions available chilled 7 days a week.
3. Proceed to the checkout
4. Fill in as much of the order form as possible. Some sections are mandatory and some you can provide later if not known at order time
5.Proceed to the payment screen. Enter your card details. At this stage you may also complete a bank transfer.
6. You will receive a confirmation email from The Stallion Shop confirming we have received your order and that it is being processed.
7. If you need any help or information, or are having difficulty ordering please contact us
8. Remember for orders of fresh semen from Europe, there is a 1 hour time difference, so please send in your orders as early as possible to ensure delivery.
9. If you are waiting for your vet to arrive to confirm your order, please let us know so we can hold a dose of semen for you.
10. Kylemore Stud provides a full order and insemination service for your convenience. Feel free to contact them to arrange.

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